I wanted to share some exciting developments I’ve learned from Shopkeep –
Technology Update 051713
This is the first entry in a series of bi-weekly updates I’ll be posting to keep you up to speed on what we’re doing to make ShopKeep POS better.
Our development talent is broadly broken up into BackOffice or iOS/iPad work. A major feature for our system will have both BackOffice and iPad components.
In the past two weeks the development team has been focusing in on some BackOffice improvements. In particular, we have worked on enabling the color coding of buttons at the register. This is a feature we have long wanted to implement and I’m really happy we’re going to make it happen. I’m particularly excited by the idea that we could soon have our first ice cream/cupcake store with buttons color-coded according to the flavor they represent. You can look for this feature some time after we finish up split tenders.
Just as a quick preview, here are the colors you can expect!
Other Button Goodness – We’ll be allowing for quick navigation between pages along with names for those pages. For example, a coffee shop’s inventory can be broken down according to coffee/sandwiches/baked goods, etc. We hope this will really cut down on the time it takes to ring up a customer – leaving everybody happy.
Custom Tenders – We are working on making it possible to create tender types and give them each a customized name. In this way, merchants will be able to track sales according to specific tender types, such as ‘Check’ or ‘Money Order’. This feature will work especially well with our upcoming split tenders feature.
So that’s what we worked on last week. Here’s what’s being worked on now.
iPad Split Tender – In the upcoming week we will be concentrating on the iPad interface for our split tender feature.