Can You Get Better Rates with

Don’t feel trapped or stuck with your credit card processing rates you received when you signed up for For those not familiar with…

According to Wikipedia:

Authorize.Net is a payment gateway service provider allowing merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments through their Web site and over an IP (Internet Protocol) connection. Authorize.Net claims a user base of over 350,000 merchants, which would make them the Internet’s largest payment gateway service provider.

The cost for is $20 per month, plus a setup fee and then a per transaction fee. Those costs are fixed and charged by The opportunity to save is in the processing, which is where we come in.

The great news is that whether you have an existing account, or need to establish a new one,  you can control the processing costs by going with a third party merchant services company. Congruity Solutions can help you get set up with near interchange rates.

If you are considering, or if you are already a customer and looking to save on your processing, give us a call at 602-312-7561 or email us and we can provide you a free, no obligation cost comparison.

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