Credit card processing is crucial to any business. The ability to charge credit cards can mean the difference between a sale and no sale. Did you know that roughly 66% of in-store purchases are made with credit or debit cards? Over 180 million people actively carry credit cards with them, so if your business does not accept credit cards in 2013, you are turning away business.
Congruity Solutions can help get you set up with an online or offline credit card processor in a matter of days. Even if you have an existing point of sale system, terminal, or device for your phone like Square, we can help you control your costs and keep more of the money for your business. You’ll receive a personalized cost comparison to highlight how much money you’ll save in credit card processing by making the change. Even better, if your company has e-commerce and uses, we can help you save significantly over your current processor.
[image src=”” align=”left” alt=”ShopKeep POS for iPad”]We are also Arizona’s authorized reseller of the ShopKeep POS system for iPad. If you own a small business and are tired of the hassle of keeping books, managing inventory, dealing with employee timecards, and just want something new that helps you engage better with your customers and simply make better business decisions; then ShopKeep POS for iPad is right for you.
Call us at 602.312.7561 for a free consultation and we can help get you on the right track for credit card processing, point of sale, e-commerce, IT, telephone systems, or other small business technology solutions. Or simply fill out the form below and one of our consultants will be happy to assist you.
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